Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Throughout history, Term limits have been a very controversial issue as well as a powerful reform regarding politics. Term limits can best be defined as a restriction or a limit to a number of times an official may be elected or serve. For years, American politics have been dealing with the movement to limit political terms. Though there are some who disapprove of term limits for Congressmen, there are many Americans who have approved. There is widespread support on Term Limits, which shows us that the public is dissatisfied with what is occurring in Congress presently. In many states, cities and counties across the United States term limits have been established for state and local officials. Congress is currently running on a system of seniority. Individuals who have spent the most time in office gain more power. As a result, these Congressmen focus on how they can stay in office and that plan leaves limited room for fresh new officials to have a chance to make changes. Term l imits should be placed on our Congressmen and women because it would allow for a more efficient Congress. The problem with not having term limits is that one person in Congress exercise too much power. As John Adams said, â€Å"Without [term limits] every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey.† (Smith 73). Similarly, Thomas Jefferson once stated, â€Å"To prevent every danger which might arise to American freedom from continuing too long in office, it is earnestly recommended that we set an obligation on the holder of that office to go out after a certain period.† (Smith 73). Our country needs term limits in Congress for several reasons. Presently, in Congress there are members who serve very lengthy terms. Members in the House of Representatives ser... ...rse legislature.† (Epstein 855). Term Limits would make being apart of Congress more possible. Millions more Americans would find it an attractive option for them. To sum it all up, Term limits presently occur all over the country in state legislatures and they are working. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 15 states currently have term limits for legislatures. Term limits increase the likelihood of turnover in state legislatures. Term limits also weaken seniority systems in state legislatures. Term limits help non-traditional candidates such as Hispanic, African American and Asian to run for seats in state legislatures. It is time to change the system so that people who care about the future of our nation and our state can and will compete fairly to represent us. That is what democracy was meant to be, and that is what it can be again.

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